Monday, March 1, 2021

Health benefits of drinking raisin-soaked water

Raisins in a wood container

This article is written by Sparkle Purpose. Follow Sparkle Purpose on Twitter and Pinterest.

Benefits of drinking raisins soaked water

1. Keeps your blood pressure in check
2. Lowers cholesterol 
3. Boosts energy 
4. Helps to detox your body
5. Helps with digestion
Health benefits of raisin water

Don't you just love raisins? Who knew that dried grapes were such a rich source of fiber, vitamins and minerals?

If you soak raisins in water overnight and drink that leftover water, it could actually be more beneficial for your health.

1. Raisin water keeps your blood pressure in check

According to research, raisins are a rich source of potassium, antioxidants and dietary fiber.

All of these nutrients help to keep your blood pressure under control.

Potassium keeps the blood flow stable and helps the heart to pump blood. Antioxidants help the endothelium - an inner layer of the arterial blood vessel.

Raisin water contains dietary fiber. It helps with the digestion process and burns fat.

Raisins (and water from soaking raisins overnight) lowers blood pressure, helps with digestion and burns fat.

2. Raisin water lowers cholesterol 

Cholesterol is another problem that can be solved with raisin water. Potassium and dietary fibers are hard at work once again. 

As I mentioned earlier, potassium and dietary fiber plays a critical role in keeping blood circulation stable. As a result, the cholesterol levels in your blood stay contained.

All of this helps your heart to stay healthy. Thanks to stable blood circulation, the heart doesn't have to pump blood at a faster rate. This keeps most types of cardiovascular problems away.

Wow, just one glass of raisin water could do all of that!

Raisins and raisin water improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and boosts heart health.

3. Raisin water boosts energy 

When you see people waking up in the movies, they usually have a lot of energy. It's a different story in reality. Our heart lowers our blood pressure so that we can rest properly when we sleep.

Our body is still coping with that when we get up in the morning. That is why we don't feel very energetic right away.

Drinking raisin water in the morning can be very helpful and gives you an energy boost.

Raisins were found to be a good alternative to sports jelly beans in a study with 10 healthy athletes.

Raisins also contain micronutrients that help to boost metabolism and stamina.

One glass of raisin water every day may just help you to keep the doctor away.

Since we are talking about boosting energy, many people turn to energy drinks for help. Well, raisin water can be a good alternative to that too - and much healthier.

Raisins boost energy levels as effectively as some sports supplements.

Read more - Is sugar a poison to your body?

4. Raisin water helps to detox your body

If you're someone who likes eating junk food, your kidneys and liver are hard at work to ensure your well-being.

These are your body's protectors against toxins and nasty chemicals. Unfortunately there are so many of these toxic particles that they can overwhelm our protectors sometimes. 

Our poor bodies are loaded with more toxins than what they can expel.

This is where raisin water comes to the rescue yet again.

This unlikely hero boosts the body's digestion process because of the dietary fiber in raisins.

Fiber acts as an elixir to your digestion process. Fiber binds to toxins so that they can be eliminated.

Additionally, the antioxidants which we spoke about earlier also help to boost the functions of your liver and allow it to perform at its best.

Sweating is also a great way to detox your body.

Now you have one more reason to drink raisin water every morning.

Raisins and raisin water detoxifies your bloodstream, liver, kidneys and digestive system thanks to its fiber and antioxidant content.

5. Raisin water helps with digestion 

The combination of potassium that helps your blood circulation, and your one true friend, fiber makes this gargantuan task of regular digestion possible.

This duo makes sure that your intestines are doing the job that they were meant to do.

Ease your digestion process with nutrients that your body wants. When you consume a lot of food that has other toxic properties, the intestines may find it difficult to process that food. This can give you some serious stomach related problems.

This is why if you drink raisin water every morning you're empowering this area of your body to function at its best.

A happy tummy leads to a happy life.

The potassium and fiber in plant foods like raisins and raisin water help your digestive system to work properly.

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