Tuesday, May 11, 2021

8 Essential nutrients for hair growth

Ladies lying on a car with their hair hanging in the wind

8 Essential nutrients for hair growth

Not everyone is naturally blessed with gorgeous hair that makes everyone's head turn. It can be quite a struggle to figure out the right diet, product, supplement and treatment that will give us amazing hair.

The most expensive shampoos and conditioners may not even improve the health of your hair and make it grow. What you really need are natural vitamins and minerals that support hair growth. There is a large chance that a deficiency in one of these important nutrients is the cause of your hair problems in the first place.

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplementation may not have a direct link with hair growth, but a deficiency will negatively affect hair health.

Studies have found a definite link between vitamin D deficiency and severe hair loss

People with alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss, have low levels of Vitamin D.

Low Vitamin D levels are associated with female pattern hair loss - the most common type of hair loss in women.  

More research is needed to confirm the potential benefits of Vitamin D for hair growth when people don't have a Vitamin D deficiency (although a large portion of the global population is deficient in Vitamin D).

Few natural foods contain significant amounts of Vitamin D. The best food sources are fish like salmon, mushrooms, egg yolks and fortified products like orange juice and milk.

Sun exposure is essential. This enables your body to make Vitamin D naturally. You can also buy it in the form of vitamins or supplements.

Various studies have linked Vitamin D deficiency to hair loss.

2. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant. It fights against free radicals. Vitamin E reduces cell damage and counteracts the natural wear and tear that happens with time, stress and pollutants. This leads to better hair growth. Vitamin E will also make your hair healthier overall.

You should add Vitamin E to your hair care routine for an extra layer of protection against hair loss. It will also help to restore lost shine.

Use vitamin E capsules and rub the oil onto your scalp for hair growth.

The best foods that you can eat for this vitamin are nuts like almonds and hazelnuts, peanuts, unprocessed vegetable oil, wheat germ, spinach and kale.

You can also use Vitamin E fortified shampoos and conditioners along with Vitamin E oils and supplements.

Vitamin E fights against general wear and tear on your hair. It also helps to add shine and moisture.

3. Biotin

Biotin or B 7, also known as the hair growth vitamin, is one of the 12 vitamins in the vitamin B family.

The effectiveness of biotin for hair growth was studied. Hair and nail growth improved after biotin supplementation.

Biotin deficiency can cause dry and frizzy hair that cannot be combed flat (Known as Uncombable Hair Syndrome) in children. This causes other symptoms like thinning hair and hair loss.

Foods that are rich in Biotin include nuts like walnuts and almonds, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, avocados, eggs and sweet potatoes.

Biotin or B 7, known as the hair growth hormone, can be found in nuts, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, avocados, eggs and sweet potatoes.

4. Iron

Iron is a very essential mineral. It supports metabolism because it helps red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. It is therefore necessary for the growth, development and cellular function of every cell in your body - including your hair.

Research tells us that 30% of women experience persistent hair shedding and reduced hair volume because of iron deficiency before the age of 50. Almost a third of all women under 50 are losing their hair because of the lack of a single nutrient. That is crazy!

This may interest you: 10 foods that are rich in iron

30% of woman under 50 experience hair loss from iron deficiency.

5. Vitamin C

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is needed for the production of collagen. Collagen is an important part of your hair's structure. Vitamin C helps with the production of antioxidants that fight free radicals. You also need Vitamin C to absorb iron which is essential for hair growth.

Vitamin C also prevents your hair from ageing faster.

Good food sources of Vitamin C are citrus fruits like lemons and oranges, berries, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, spinach, guava and parsley.

Vitamin C helps to make collagen which is an essential part of healthy hair.

6. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a part of the cell membranes in your scalp’s skin. They produce the natural oils that your hair and scalp make to stay hydrated.

Getting enough Omega 3's can help to prevent a dry scalp and keep your hair growing. It will also, of course, keep your hair conditioned and shiny for the above reasons. 

Eat wild salmon and other fatty fish like striped sea bass or mackerel twice a week to ensure a healthy dose of omega-3.

You should also incorporate plant based sources of Omega 3 like flax seeds, walnuts, soybeans and canola oil into your diet.

Omega 3 supports hair growth and prevents hair fallout, moisturizes and conditions the hair and keeps your scalp moisturized.

7. Water

We seem to overlook the importance of hydration.

While hair is primarily made of protein, it is also made of water. Hair needs to maintain its moisture to avoid getting too dry and breaking apart. Leave-in conditioners or other hydrating products help to soften hair strands.

Make sure that you replenish your hydration levels by drinking plenty of water each day. Avoid drinks that are high in sugar, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors and artificial flavors because they can actually dehydrate you even more.

Your hair is a reflection of your internal hydration levels.

8. Vitamin B 12

You need Vitamin B 12 to form red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all body tissues like your hair.

Studies show us that we have the best chance of optimal hair growth when our Vitamin B 12 levels are in the right range.

Good food sources of Vitamin B 12 include animal products (meat, fish, dairy) and fortified foods like cereals with added B 12. Kombucha is a great natural plant source of Vitamin B 12.

Kombucha is a good plant source of Vitamin B 12.

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