Monday, October 14, 2019

How to get rid of visible veins around your eyes

Some people suffer from unsightly veins in their eyelids. Although this can be from a variety of causes like a medical condition or medication, the three most common reasons why you might be suffering from this include pale skin, thin skin around the eyes or darker-than-usual vein coloration. Below, we look into the causes and possible solutions to each of these three issues.

1. Pale eyelid skin

Skin produces a pigment called melanin. This coloration is made to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. Some people have more melanin than others. Uneven or low levels of melanin can increase the skin’s transparency and increase the visibility of veins and blood vessels.

Sitting in the sun to increase melanin production

Sun exposure increases melanin production in the skin so that your skin becomes better able to protect itself from the sun. You can achieve this effect by sitting in the sun for a few minutes every day. If your skin is pale, it will be more sensitive to sunlight and a few minutes (5-10 minutes) in the sun every day will be enough to increase pigmentation. This will tan the skin by increasing the amount of natural color that the skin has. You can achieve this effect by sitting in the natural light, even if it is cloudy or overcast, because the sun’s rays are still penetrating the atmosphere throughout the day.

Regular exposure to natural light is good for you. Sun exposure increases vitamin D production, fights against depression, helps us to avoid the overuse of screens indoors, boosts the immune system and helps to regulate our sleeping patterns by regulating our internal body clock.

Sun safety

Don’t sit in the sun for too long

Sun exposure stimulates the skin in the same way that exercise stimulates the muscles. Too much sun exposure can damage the skin more than what it can repair from and this can lead to sun burn, freckling, skin damage, peeling and cancer in the long run. To avoid the damaging effects of prolonged sun exposure, do not sit in the sun for longer than what your skin can handle. If your skin begins to change color (i.e. turn pink or red) then you have been in the sun for too long and your skin is damaged. Get out of the sun before this happens.

A few minutes a day is more than enough to have a positive effect on your skin’s coloration. It is healthier for your skin to have a little exposure more regularly than to have too much exposure in one go. As your skin begins to produce melanin and your skin color starts to darken, you can sit in the sun for a little longer. Increase sun exposure in small increments over a long period of time to give your skin enough time to adapt without getting damaged.

If you are going to end up spending more time in the sun, take steps to make sure that you limit your overall exposure. Use sun screen to block the harmful effects of the sun’s rays, wear clothing that will protect your skin and sit in the shade whenever possible.

Avoid tan accelerators

Tan accelerators may seem like a good idea because they promise to give you a boosted effect in a shorter period of time, but a few minutes every day in natural light is all that you need. Tan accelerators may increase the effects of the sun more than what your skin can handle. This will lead to skin damage – especially if your skin is not accustomed to protecting itself from the sun. A few minutes every day is all that you need to stimulate melanin production.

Keep hydrated

Sitting in the sun can dehydrate you. This can have many negative effects on your health, and your skin will suffer too. Your skin needs water to moisturize itself. 99% of sweat, for example, is made up of water. Make sure that you drink enough liquids to replenish any water that your body might lose from sitting in the heat. My personal favorite is to sip on a glass of water with squeezed lemon juice for an added relaxing effect. It is also important to note that not all drinks will hydrate you. Stay away from drinks that are full of sugar or contain alcohol.

If you are losing a lot of sweat due to physical activity or heat, you may need to replenish your electrolytes as well - since electrolytes are minerals that are lost through sweat. You can get an electrolyte replacement drink from the store (try to avoid products that have too much sugar or artificial ingredients), eating a banana or adding a pinch of salt to every third glass of water that you drink.

Eat food with enough vitamins and minerals

Micro nutrients support every organ of the body, including the skin. Vitamin C, for example, helps the body to produce collagen which is needed to keep the skin supple. Vitamin E, on the other hand, helps the skin to get rid of cellular damage. Eat a varied diet that has different food sources with a variety of vitamins and minerals. You can do this by making sure that you eat enough raw fruit and vegetables every day.

Bleaching and using products that are acidic on the skin

Bleaching products, along with those that are acidic, can lighten the skin. This will have two negative effects on vein visibility. Firstly, it can decrease the amount of pigmentation on the skin and increase its transparency, making veins more visible. Secondly, overuse of bleaching or acidic products can thin out the skin, further increasing transparency and vein visibility.

To see if the overuse of certain skin products is causing increased vein visibility, try avoiding these products for a week. If the symptoms improve then you can adjust your regular skin care routine accordingly.

If you have pale skin because of low melanin production, speak to your doctor about the best ways to increase melanin production and improve your skin’s complexion.

2. Thin skin

If low melanin levels or pale skin regions are not the cause of visible veins; it may be because of thinner-than-usual skin.

Dry skin

This is often the case for people with dry skin because the skin will flake away faster than what it can regenerate. Adding a skin moisturizing routine to your daily regime will help to reduce skin loss. Find a good moisturizer and apply it to the parts of your skin that are particularly dry. You should notice an improvement in your appearance immediately and the skin should start to repair itself within a few days. You may also want to look into training your skin to produce more oil.


Exfoliation is good for you. It helps to get rid of old skin that may block new skin formation. It does this by encouraging the skin to produce new skin cells. Too much exfoliation, though, may remove more skin than what the skin can generate. This will lead to thinner-than-usual skin. If you are potentially exfoliating more than what you should, try stopping all exfoliation efforts for two weeks. If your skin gets thicker and visible veins around the eye areas disappear, you know that over-exfoliation was the cause.

Naturally thin skin

Many people have naturally thin skin. This can lead to increased allergic reactions and possible infections because the skin is your body’s first line of defense against the germs, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens outside of the body.

Exfoliation to increase skin density

A good exfoliation routine will help your skin to increase its thickness - if done right. By removing the outermost, dead layer of skin; you encourage blood flow to the skin and stimulate the formation of new skin cells.

If you haven’t exfoliated before, try adding a light exfoliation routine to your shower or bath. You can do this in two ways:

Mechanical exfoliation

Mechanical exfoliation involves using a hard surface or scrub to slough away dead skin. You can do this by mixing salt and olive oil and using this as a scrub or by purchasing scrubs for exfoliation. I like using exfoliation gloves and using them to apply soap to my skin every second week to encourage newer, younger looking skin.

Chemical exfoliation

Chemical exfoliates use an acidic element to break apart old skin cells. You can make your own chemical exfoliates by mixing lemon juice or vinegar with water or adding them to your bath. You can also purchase chemical exfoliates from the store.

Exfoliation tips

Do not over-exfoliate

Do not exfoliate more than what your skin can handle. You only want to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells. Your skin is very sensitive and can get damaged very easily. Skin damage from over-exfoliation can lead to permanent damage. You should feel a slight tingle during exfoliation. Never exfoliate to the point where you feel discomfort or pain. You should see a glow in your complexion after exfoliation. If your skin is pink or red after exfoliation, you have removed too much of your skin and it is damaged.

Light exfoliation done semi-regularly over a long period of time is beneficial; while over-exfoliating in a single session can lead to damage and hampered skin health.

Avoid too much exfoliation

Give your skin a few days in between exfoliations to recover and generate new skin cells. If you exfoliate too regularly, you will cause the skin to thin out instead of thicken. For the first few times, give your skin at least two weeks in between light exfoliation sessions. Once your skin has adapted by increasing new skin formation, you may exfoliate once a week. Never exfoliate more than twice a week because this will cause more removal than what the skin can regenerate.

If you are interested in using exfoliation to decrease vein visibility because your skin is too thin, speak to a professional first to make sure that you help your skin to function better instead of causing any damage.

3. Darker-than-usual veins

Everybody’s blood is not the same color. Some people have darker blood than others. There can be a variety of reasons for this. For example, the blood of smokers is typically a darker red in color, while the blood of non-smokers is typically a brighter red in color. Darker veins might also indicate poor blood circulation. Increasing blood circulation through exercise and keeping the blood clean by following a healthy lifestyle might be exactly what you need to reduce the appearance of veins. Detoxification methods include:

Drinking more water to help the body eliminate water-soluble toxins and other impurities through urination
Engaging in exercise or using the sauna or steam room regularly to help the body eliminate fat-soluble toxins through sweat
Eat foods that are high in fiber (fruit and vegetables) to help the body cleanse itself of non-soluble toxins

Darker veins caused by other factors

There may be other medical reasons why your veins are darker than they should be. These factors need to be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional. If you feel that your vein visibility is of a health concern or that it may be caused by an underlying factor, discuss this with your doctor so that you can treat the issue at its root cause.

Remember to do everything in moderation and to always follow a healthy lifestyle.

This article in no way intends to substitute or replace sound medical advice. If you suffer from any physical or medical condition, always consult your medical practitioner immediately. Always speak to your medical practitioner before starting a new self-care or lifestyle routine.

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