Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Best foods for pancreas health

Pancreas keywords

 This article is written by Sparkle Purpose. Follow Sparkle Purpose on Twitter and Pinterest.

How often do you think about the health of your pancreas? It is an extremely important organ. The pancreas located in your abdominal area and it forms part of your digestive and endocrine (hormone) system.

The pancreas makes digestive enzymes, insulin and glucagon. Hormones made by the pancreas basically control the breakdown of food and how the nutrients get absorbed or used by every cell in your body.

9 Healthy foods for a strong pancreas

1. Sweet potatoes

2. Chicken 

3. Broccoli

4. Other green leafy vegetables

5. Whole grains

6. Fruit and vegetables with purple, red or blue skin

7. Garlic

8. Turmeric

9. Dandelion tea

9 Foods that improve pancreas health

1. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a strong addition to a healthy diet because they contain healthy nutrients like beta-carotene, Vitamin C, manganese, fiber and copper (which helps new, healthy cells to grow).

Sweet potatoes (also known as yams) are a common substitute to normal potatoes for people who adopt a healthy diet.

This orange root vegetable is great for healthy digestion, vision, immune system and brain function.

The fiber in sweet potatoes slows the transformation of starch into sugar. This reduces the amount of insulin that the pancreas has to produce.

The fiber also feeds good gut bacteria that help your body to digest food and break it down into usable nutrients. This reduces the workload of the pancreas further because it doesn't have to produce so many digestive enzymes to break down your food - the good bacteria in your gut do that for you.

Sweet potatoes contain special chemicals (carotenoids) that reduce your risk of a range of cancers - including cancer of the pancreas. The carotenoids are what give sweet potatoes their bright orange color. Other plants foods that have the same color (like turmeric on this list and carrots) have the same beneficial chemicals.

Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, Vitamin C, manganese, fiber and copper. They feed good gut bacteria, balance insulin levels and help to prevent cancer.

2. Chicken 

Chicken is good for your immune system, heart, waistline, eyes, oxygen levels, bones and stress levels. It also has anti-cancer properties.

There is a reason why many bodybuilders, athletes and health nuts choose chicken as one of their primary sources of protein. It is a good source of lean meat when you choose the skinless option. Turkey (skinless) has many of the same health benefits.

It turns out that chicken (along with turkey) is good for your pancreas - as well as your eye health.

High protein and low fat diets are good for the pancreas. Plant based protein is also good for similar reasons.

Our bodies need protein to rebuild old cells; but most protein options in the western diet come with added grease (fried foods), sugar (sauces and marinades), and processed meat (which is just as bad as smoking cigarettes).

Lean proteins give us a whole range of essential nutrients without flooding the body with fats and sugars. This reduces the need for insulin to store it away. Protein also makes us fuller for longer so that we don't overload our digestive system with more and more food.

Chicken gives you the opportunity to get all of the protein that you need without making your pancreas cope with all of the negative ingredients listed above.

Chicken is a good form of lean protein without the harmful ingredients found in fast food, fried food and processed meat.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli has fiber, protein, calcium, potassium and other important vitamins and minerals.

All of these properties help to fight off cancer in the pancreas by lowering oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is like the wear and tear that happens over time. Unhealthy things like junk food, smoking, alcohol abuse, excessive stress, lack of exercise and pollutants increase oxidative stress and make our bodies more prone to wear and tear.

Anti-oxidants in foods like broccoli help to counteract this wear and tear so that it doesn't damage the body as much. They do this by neutralizing free radicals (the parts of cells that damage other cells).

The minerals in broccoli are easily absorbed and the flavonoids (beneficial plant compounds) promote cellular detoxification. Broccoli should be a regular part of your healthy diet.

These healthy properties, along with the high fiber content and low sugar content - promote pancreas health by reducing damage to the pancreas on a cellular level while protecting healthy pancreas cells. The beneficial effects of fiber on pancreas health (insulin and digestion) have already been discussed.

Broccoli has special plant compounds that help to reduce cellular damage and protect healthy cells against future damage at the same time.

4. Other green leafy vegetables

Other leafy greens like spinach, kale, asparagus, collard greens, cabbage and lettuce are some of the healthiest foods that you can eat for your overall health. This includes your pancreas.

We've already spoken about the importance of fiber and foods that are low in sugar and fat.

Leafy greens are especially good for the pancreas because these vegetables are rich in antioxidants and folate. This helps to prevent pancreatic cancer by neutralizing damaged cells and protecting healthy cells.

These foods reduce the pain associated with pancreatitis and help to reduce inflammation throughout your entire body.

Inflammation is thought to be the root cause of all non-communicable disease including cancer and diabetes.

Add a handful of greens to every meal or enjoy them as part of a healthy avocado and chicken salad.

Leafy greens reduce inflammation which is thought to be the root cause of all non-communicable disease.

5. Whole grains

Whole grains like barley, buckwheat, brown rice and oatmeal are great for your pancreas. They are packed with fiber, important plant compounds and other essential nutrients. They all have impressive health benefits of their own.

Whole grains help to manage weight, control blood sugar and lower blood pressure. This all helps to protect and strengthen the pancreas.

Foods that are rich in fiber and whole grains are a very important part of the diet recommended for people with pancreatitis. Fiber helps to prevents pancreatitis by lowering the risk of painful gallstones.

There is a big difference between whole grains and refined grains. Refined grains tend to spike blood sugar and have the beneficial compounds that were present in the original grains removed. Try to have as little food with refined grains as possible - if at all.

Excess sugar and simple carbs (from refined grains) increases insulin resistance. The pancreas works harder to compensate for this, which may exhaust the ability of the pancreas to make insulin.

Whole grains work in an opposite manner, decreasing the body's need to produce insulin and improving insulin resistance.

Refined grains are whole grains without the beneficial parts of the grain like fiber, vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients.

6. Fruit and vegetables with purple, red or blue skin

Plant foods with darker skins like blueberries and grapes are some of the healthiest foods that you can eat. They have special plant compounds (phytochemicals) that boost pancreas health and help to prevent pancreatic cancer. 

That's because of the antioxidants called anthocyanins that give plants this purple hue. This links explains how the chemical has been used to treat things like blood vessel problems, chronic venous insufficiency, high blood pressure, diabetic retinopathy, colds, urinary tract infections, heart disease and cancer.

Combine that with the other plant compounds, vitamins, minerals and fiber and you have a real winner for your pancreas. That will help to reduce the amount of unhealthy foods eaten, control blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity.

Anthocyanins in red blue or purple plant foods may help blood vessel health, chronic venous insufficiency, high blood pressure, diabetic retinopathy, colds, urinary tract infections, heart disease and cancer.

7. Garlic

Garlic is high in special plant compounds that have potent medicinal properties. Raw crushed garlic aids digestion and wards off the cough and cold. Garlic boosts your immunity and repairs tissues of various internal organs - including the pancreas.

The active ingredient in garlic (Allicin) inhibits bacteria and fungi, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health, inhibits cancer growth and protects healthy cells.

The flavonoids, selenium and sulfur composition of garlic also heals the pancreas if it’s inflamed.

Compounds in fresh garlic can aid digestion, ward off coughs and colds, boost immunity, repair tissues of various internal organs, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, inhibit cancer growth and protect healthy cells.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric has been used over centuries for its unique anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. This bright orange or yellow spice contains curcumin - the active ingredient that is responsible for many of its health properties.

Turmeric can decrease the intensity of pancreatic pain which feels like a burning sensation. Turmeric also helps to manage blood sugar by stimulating production of insulin in the pancreas and boosts the immune system.

Turmeric eases inflammation and reduces the sensation of pain, supports the immune system and helps to lower blood sugar.

9. Dandelion tea

The health benefits of dandelion tea deserve more recognition. It is made from the dried dandelion root. This is a great caffeine free alternative to normal coffee or tea.

Drinking a cup of dandelion tea will protect the liver, reduce water weight and soothe an irritated digestive system. Potassium in dandelion tea helps the kidneys to illuminate toxins. These functions make it easier for the pancreas to do its job.

Dandelion root extract induces cell death in melanoma cells while keeping the non-cancerous cells safe. The same was shown in case of human pancreatic cancer cells.

Dandelion tea helps to protect the liver, reduce water weight, soothe an irritated digestive system, eliminate toxins, induce cancer cell death and keep healthy cells safe.

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