Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Health and Fitness Quotes (page 5)

Health and Fitness Quotes (page 5)

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1. Differences make life beautiful

Differences make life beautiful.
First health and fitness quote

This is why you must cycle creatine.

2. Distance looks longest at the beginning and shortest at the end

Distance looks longest at the beginning and shortest at the end.
Second health and fitness quote

This is what you need to know about high intensity interval training.

3. Do good, repeat and succeed

Do good. Repeat. Succeed.
Third health and fitness quote

4. Do not be ashamed to get what you need from people

Do not be ashamed to get what you need from people.
Fourth health and fitness quote

It is possible to drink too much water.

5. Do something wildly different to feel alive again

Do something wildly different to feel alive again.
Fifth health and fitness quote

Find the best rest time between sets for your goals.

6. Do things that force you to see the world differently

Do things that force you to see the world differently.
Sixth health and fitness quote

Learn about isometric training for beginners without equipment, space or money.

7. Do today what will make you happy tomorrow

Do today what will make you happy tomorrow.
Seventh health and fitness quote

Learn about the central nervous system.

8. Do you think more about yourself or other people?

Do you think more about yourself or other people?
Eighth health and fitness quote

High fat diets are not good for you.

9. Don't be scared of what makes you stronger

Don't be scared of what makes you stronger.
Ninth health and fitness quote

Learn about supplements for beginners.

10. Don't be scared to indulge in things that are good for you

Don't be scared to indulge in things that are good for you.
Tenth health and fitness quote

We should not give children sugar.

I hope that you enjoyed these quotes. If you did (or didn't), please let me know in the comments below. Your feedback helps me to give you more of what you want. Stay Strong!

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