Friday, November 29, 2019

Foods to avoid when you have fever blisters

Foods to avoid when you have fever blisters

Fever blisters

The groups of small blisters on your lips are called fever blisters or cold sores. Fever blisters cause the skin to turn red and swollen. It causes pain, a burning sensation, and itching. Cold sores usually disappear in 7 to 10 days without any treatment. But you can apply some remedies to prevent repetition. There is no direct treatment to cure fever blisters, but you can take some steps to decrease their duration.


Many people consider that cold sores are due to the cold season, but this not actually true. Herpes simplex virus (or HSV) causes cold sores. This virus can enter the body by using the same razors, kissing, touching infected person, or through their saliva. When the virus comes into the body, it remains there and causes fever blisters when it gets triggered. Some people get it once while some get frequently. It depends on how many times it gets triggered by conditions like fatigue or a low immune system.


The symptoms of fever blisters are:

Fever blisters appear on your skin. So you only realize it when it appears on your lip. Other symptoms of fever blisters are:
Shallow lips
High temperature
Swollen glands

Foods to avoid when you have fever blisters

Like I said earlier, there is no direct treatment for fever blisters. They disappear in 7 to 10 days on their own. But if you take care of your nutrition, you can decrease their duration and frequency. Here are some foods that you should avoid if you have fever blisters.

Arginine foods

Arginine is an amino acid that is found in certain foods. This amino acid triggers fever blisters. So it would help if you avoided the diet rich in arginine. Foods rich in arginine include:
Flax seeds
Sesame seeds
Sunflower seeds
Whole grains

Acidic foods

Acidic foods also trigger cold sores. Eating foods rich in acid can cause fever blisters to crust. These foods include:
Fruit juice
Salty foods
Vinegar based foods
Acidic fruits like pineapple and grapefruit

Processed foods

Sugar-rich, processed foods can also cause fever blisters. Avoid these processed foods to reduce the onslaught of fever blisters:
High caloric snacks and a high calorie diet in general
Packaged snacks
Canned foods
Sausage rolls
Breakfast cereals
Frozen foods

Tips to avoid fever blisters

Eat foods rich in lysine

If you eat foods rich in lysine, it can help in the prevention of fever blisters. These foods include:

  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Pork

Lemon balm

Lemon balm is an effective way to treat cold sores. The oil present in lemon balm supports to fight against herpes simplex virus. Apply this balm three to four times a day on your lips to avoid fever blisters.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can also treat cold sores. It works against the HSV and prevents the re-occurrence of fever blisters. Apply Aloe Vera gel directly on a fever blister to diminish it.

Author bio

My name is Saad Shah, an avid food lover and food nutrition blogger. I'm a firm believer in the transforming powers of food. I run a nutrition blog on my website nutritionride to encourage conscious food choices, with knowledge of their nutritional value.

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Friday, November 22, 2019

Benefits of eating grapes

Grapes come in different colors. They are red, green, and purple in color. Grapes can be seeded or seedless. They are cultivated all around the world. They are a delicious fruit that you eat - much of it at once if you want to. It can be used in desserts and in making wines. Without a doubt the grape is called the queen of fruits. It is also used as a dried fruit. It is a nutritious fruit with sweet flavor like candy. Eating grapes daily can give you many health benefits. In today's article, I will tell you about the incredible health benefits of eating grapes.

Nutritional information of grapes

100 grams of grapes contain:

  • 67 Calories
  • 17 g of Carbohydrates (5% of the recommended daily value)
  • 0.4 g of Fat
  • 0.6 g of Protein
  • 1% of the DV (daily value) of calcium
  • 1% of the DV of Iron
  • Magnesium 1% DV of Magnesium
  • 16 g of Sugar
  • 5% of DV of Vitamin B6
  • 2% of DV of vitamin A
  • 6% of DV of vitamin C
  • 0% of DV of vitamin D

Benefits of eating grapes

Some of the benefits of eating grapes are:

Healthy heart

Grapes are rich in flavonoids that make them great for your heart. The grape has polyphenols; too, that reduces the risk of various heart diseases. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Grapes are rich in nutrients like potassium and fiber. These nutrients are great for the heart. Potassium helps your heart to distribute blood throughout the day. The soluble fiber in grapes has tremendous effects on the heart. It maintains the blood pressure in the body and reduces cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that daily intake of grapes can minimize the risk of heart disease by up to 30%. Start drinking red grape juice daily to get these advantages.

Prevents diabetes

Grapes are not as high in sugar as typical candy - that’s why they are beneficial for preventing diabetes when compared to other, less healthy options. Studies have shown that people who consumed grapes were found to have a lower risk of diabetes. If you have diabetes and want to eat something sweet without as many side effects, go for grapes. There is a phytochemical in grapes called resveratrol. This phytochemical modulates blood glucose levels in the body. If you manage your blood sugar levels, you can control diabetes and grapes are one of the best fruit to maintain blood sugar level in the body - so start eating more grapes if you have diabetes.

Helps to prevents cancer

Grapes are also beneficial for preventing cancer because, like mango, grapes are rich in an antioxidant called polyphenols. This antioxidant is potent and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is also rich in an oxidant called resveratrol. It is found in the skin of the grape and prevents cancer. Grapes are found to control the spread of colon cancer cells in the body. Studies have shown that daily intake of grapes can reduce the risk of breast cancer as it reduces the number of cancer cells present in these areas. Try adding grapes in your diet because they have antioxidant properties that reduce the risk of cancer.

Healthy eyes

People who are over 40 years old often face problems in the eyes because of macular degeneration. Grapes can assist you in keeping your eyes healthy. They are rich in antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin. These two nutrients are essential for eye health as they play a significant role in keeping your eyes healthy. They also reduce the damage to the retina and counter oxidative stress. The antioxidant resveratrol in grapes also keep your eyes healthy. It prevents eye problems like macular degeneration and cataracts. Studies have shown that people who consumed gapes (and grape extracts) were found to be with better eyes health in general.

Strong bones

Grapes can make your bones strong because they are high in calcium. Calcium is an essential nutrient to make your bones stronger. Consumption of grapes daily will improve your bone strength and calcium turnover (conversion of calcium into bone tissue). The proanthocyanidins in the seeds, or raisins, are essential for bone formation. It also prevents many bones disease like osteoporosis. If you have week bones, start eating grapes as an addition to your current lifestyle changes. You can also drink grape juice - but make sure to add grape seeds to it.

Healthy skin

Grapes are also beneficial for skin health. It prevents acne, scars, dark spots, and blemishes. Resveratrol in the grapes prevent damage by ultraviolet radiation. It also enhances the ability of the skin to heal from damage. Grapes also avoid damaged skin and skin inflammation. Add grapes in your diet to get these benefits.

Author bio

My name is Saad Shah. I am an avid food lover and food nutrition blogger. I'm a firm believer in the transforming powers of food. I run a nutrition blog on my website nutritionride to encourage conscious food choices, with knowledge of their nutritional value.

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Friday, November 15, 2019

5 Tips to gain weight at home

These days everybody wants to lose weight. Everyone is fed up with being overweight and trying to find the best way to burn fat. The strange thing here is that some people are suffering from low body weight. Being skinny is so frustrating, to be honest. I remember that in my high school years, students used to call me names because I was skinny. I always tried to find different ways to gain weight. Later when I was doing my diploma in nutrition, I found out that you can gain weight quickly at home. It's not a big deal. In today's article, I will share some amazing tips to gain weight at home from my experience.

Reasons for being underweight

There can be many reasons for being underweight. Some of those include the following:
High metabolism
Health issues
Eating disorders

5 Tips to gain weight at home

Here are some tips to increase weight quickly at home:

Eat more and more calories

The best way to gain weight is to eat more calories than what your body uses. Your body burns calories daily. It would be best if you consumed more calories than what your body burns. Add high-calorie foods to your diet to gain weight. Foods like granola, meat, tofu, avocado, milk, beans and sweet potatoes are rich in calories. Try to consume these foods as much as you can. Avoid eating the foods that give you a feeling of fullness. Some foods can provide you with a feeling of hunger like bananas, apples, oranges, and junk food. When you eat more, you will consume more calories and ultimately you will gain weight.

Banana shake

Banana is a super fruit that is available in every season, so why not take advantage of this great weight-gaining option? Banana is rich in calories. It gives you energy and helps you with weight gain. Every morning you wake up and have a cup of tea. It does not have many weight gain benefits for you. But if you replace morning tea with a glass of banana shake, you will see a healthy change in your life. If you have a skinny body and you are suffering from low weight, make it your daily routine to drink a glass of banana shake - you will feel the difference.

More protein

What if you asked me what is the single most essential nutrient to gain weight is? I would say that it is protein. Your body's muscles are made up of protein, so when you increase your protein intake it helps your muscles to grow and you gain weight where your body needs it the most. Most people don’t consume the daily recommended value of protein. If you are a skinny guy or gal, your daily protein intake should be between 1.5 grams and 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. You can increase your protein intake by increasing your consumption of foods that are rich in proteins like fatty fish, red meat, dairy products, whey protein powder, whole eggs, and nuts.

Be hydrated

Drinking water is related to weight loss and if you are overweight doctors recommend that you drink water, but in many cases drinking water is also connected to weight gain. There is a theory behind this and the theory is that your body flushes out a small specific amount of water from the body; so if you drink more and more water it gets stored in your body and helps with weight gain in the form of water weight. Doctors recommend eight glasses of water daily. I will say that to gain weight, you must drink more than the recommended amount. If this theory works for you, as it did for me, then you can gain weight with this simple trick.

Increase physical strength

When you take in excessive calories but don’t work out then the excessive calories in your body will turn into fat. It is recommended to do a little workout regularly so that calories in the body don’t change into fat. Go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week to gain muscle if you have a busy schedule, and if you cannot go to the gym then start with a morning walk at minimum. Try to avoid long cardio exercises because they may burn too many calories.

These tips will help you with weight gain quickly. Try all of them out for a few weeks and let me know in the comments which ones worked best for you. Remember to practice moderation with any big lifestyle change and always consult with a professional if you are unsure.

Saad Shah

My name is Saad Shah. I am an avid food lover and food nutrition blogger. I'm a firm believer in the transforming powers of food. I run a nutrition blog on my website nutritionride to encourage conscious food choices - with knowledge of their nutritional value.

Friday, November 8, 2019

5 Best fitness foods for women

We join the gym to stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many women find it difficult to go to the gym because of a busy schedule. If you are a woman who is working every day and have no time for a workout, don't worry. You can improve your health and fitness by maintaining a healthy diet. Whatever you eat throughout the day has a direct impact on your health. If you are following a healthy diet, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle - even on the days that you miss your workout. In this article, we will look at healthy foods that can keep you fit.

5 Best foods for women

The 5 best foods for women regarding health and fitness are the following:

1. Sweet potatoes

The best diet for fitness contains sweet potatoes because they are filled with healthy nutrients like vitamin C, beta-carotene, dietary fiber and manganese. This super-food keeps you fit. It is rich in copper. Copper helps your tissues to grow faster. It also increases energy levels in your body. Breakdown of muscle tissue in women is a common health problem. Vitamin C in sweet potatoes helps to prevent possible muscle breakdown in the body. So if you are a woman who is busy all day and has no time to work out, add sweet potatoes to your diet to stay fit and prevent muscle loss.

2. Banana

Bananas boost your stamina. They are one of the best fruits for your health. There are numerous benefits of banana for women. It is rich in vitamin C that prevents tissue damage in the body. Manganese in a banana is great for your skin. It prevents acne, scars, and premature aging. The significant benefit of banana is that it is rich in potassium, which means it is really good for your heart. It helps the body to maintain a healthy blood pressure. If you feel tired throughout the day because of your workload, eat a banana daily as it will boost energy. It helps to keeping you fresh and energetic all day.

3. Salmon

Salmon is a fatty fish that has many benefits for your health. It is rich in omega-three fatty acids. It is also rich in proteins. Omega 3 fatty acids have numerous health benefits for women. It helps to fight depression and anxiety. It can improve your eye health. It is also beneficial during pregnancy for brain health. Salmon fish is an excellent source of potassium, selenium, vitamin B, and protein. These nutrients reduce the risk of heart disease. If you are a housewife and want to get rid of weight gain, eat salmon every week as it may contribute weigh loss.

4. Chocolate milk

Chocolate milk is excellent for your health as it is rich in calcium. Calcium is excellent for your bones. Many women face bone weakness during pregnancy and later in life. Chocolate milk will help you with this. Your body needs calcium to work properly. Your heart and muscles also need calcium. Chocolate powder (cocoa) is rich in vitamin D, while milk is rich in calcium. Research has shown that if you consume both of these things together it may protect you against cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes. So add chocolate milk to your diet. You can drink it every morning. Reduce the amount of sugar for an added benefit.

5. Cherries

If you feel weak throughout the day, start eating cherries. You will thank me. This super-fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and vitamins. The nutrients in a cherry help with weight loss, counter a low PH balance, prevent heart disease and have anti-aging benefits. If you are a working woman who is suffering from insomnia, try adding more cherry to your diet because it contains a hormone called melatonin. This hormone fights insomnia and helps with peaceful and sound sleep. You can consume cherries directly or you can add a cherry or five to a fruit salad. You can also pour cherries over your favorite desserts.


These super-foods will help you with achieving a healthy lifestyle. Add these foods in your diet and you will feel the difference. This article is for those women who are busy with work and don't have a lot of time to work out. So if you have extra time, still do the exercises as well as consuming these foods. It will help you to stay fit and healthy.

Saad Shah

My name is Saad Shah, an avid food lover and food nutrition blogger. I'm a firm believer in the transforming powers of food. I run a nutrition blog on my website nutritionride to encourage conscious food choices, with knowledge of their nutritional value.

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Friday, November 1, 2019

Benefits of eating pork

The meat of the domestic pig is called pork. It is delicious in taste and very common all around the world. Pork is forbidden in some religions like Islam and Judaism. It is excellent for a healthy diet because it is rich in nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals. Being rich in proteins, it is even more vigorous than chicken. It can prevent many diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Nutrition data of pork

100 grams of pork contains:

Nutrients Amount
  • 297 Calories
  • 25.7 grams of protein
  • 0 grams of sugar
  • 20.8 grams of fat
  • 0 grams of carbs
  • 53% water
  • 6% DV of Iron
  • 27% DV of Vitamin B6
  • 6% DV of Vitamin B12

Benefits of eating pork

Muscle growth

Like with camel meat, pork meat is an excellent source of protein. Muscle growth is essential for better growth and a healthy lifestyle. Vitamin B1 in pork enables the body to use carbohydrates as an energy source. It is also necessary for glucose metabolism and it plays a vital role in nerves and muscle growth. Vitamin B is a water-soluble vitamin and is excellent for many bodily functions.

Healthy heart

Heart disease is the primary cause of death all over the world. Studies have shown the connection between consumption of red meat and heart disease. It is clear that excessive use of red meat is not healthy, and that it can cause health problems, but the dietary cholesterol in pork has no effect on heart cholesterol levels. So the link between saturated fats and heart disease is controversial.

Boosts energy

Pork boosts energy in your body. It is rich in iron. If your body has a low amount of iron, you will feel weak throughout the day. As we know, oxygen is carried to the body tissue through red blood cells. Red blood cells require iron to transport oxygen. If you have a low amount of iron, oxygen cannot be delivered to your body, and it may result in extreme fatigue. So iron in pork carries many essential nutrients for the body.

Boosts immune system

Zinc, which is present in pork, boosts your immune system. It improves the body's capacity to fight against many diseases. Zinc in pork keeps the immune system healthy, helps in healing wounds, and supports healthy growth. Zinc deficiency can cause many heart problems. Your body's resistance against diseases will be weakened if you have a zinc deficiency. Pork is therefore an excellent addition to your diet to help you resist diseases.

Improved exercise performance

Pork consumption improves physical performance. Taurine, creatine and beta-alanine are nutrients that are essential for muscle growth. Pork contains all of these nutrients. Beta-alanine in pork is an amino acid that produces carnosine. Carnosine is excellent for reducing fatigue and improving physical performance. So if you want to boost your physical performance, add pork in your diet.

Rich in selenium

Selenium is an essential mineral for our bodies, and it is found in pork. It pays a vital role in maintaining the health of your immune system. It is an antioxidant that reduces the oxidative stress in your body. Selenium therefore leads to reduced inflammation. This mineral enhances your immunity. Selenium is also excellent for the skin as it fights free radicals and prevents wrinkles. It is also effective against skin cancer.

Proper functioning of the nervous system

Pork is rich in vitamin B6. This vitamin is excellent for the appropriate operation of the nervous system. Studies have shown that nerve pain can be healed by the consumption of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 benefits the central nervous system. It produces norepinephrine and myelin. These substances are essential for a healthy nervous system.

Healthier choice

Pork is a healthier choice. It is more robust than chicken and rabbit meat. It is full of healthy nutrients that keep your body healthy and prevents any disease. So if you want a healthy lifestyle, try adding pork in your diet.

Saad Shah

My name is Saad Shah, an avid food lover and food nutrition blogger. I'm a firm believer in the transforming powers of food. I run a nutrition blog on my website nutritionride to encourage conscious food choices, with knowledge of their nutritional value.

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