Friday, November 29, 2019

Foods to avoid when you have fever blisters

Foods to avoid when you have fever blisters

Fever blisters

The groups of small blisters on your lips are called fever blisters or cold sores. Fever blisters cause the skin to turn red and swollen. It causes pain, a burning sensation, and itching. Cold sores usually disappear in 7 to 10 days without any treatment. But you can apply some remedies to prevent repetition. There is no direct treatment to cure fever blisters, but you can take some steps to decrease their duration.


Many people consider that cold sores are due to the cold season, but this not actually true. Herpes simplex virus (or HSV) causes cold sores. This virus can enter the body by using the same razors, kissing, touching infected person, or through their saliva. When the virus comes into the body, it remains there and causes fever blisters when it gets triggered. Some people get it once while some get frequently. It depends on how many times it gets triggered by conditions like fatigue or a low immune system.


The symptoms of fever blisters are:

Fever blisters appear on your skin. So you only realize it when it appears on your lip. Other symptoms of fever blisters are:
Shallow lips
High temperature
Swollen glands

Foods to avoid when you have fever blisters

Like I said earlier, there is no direct treatment for fever blisters. They disappear in 7 to 10 days on their own. But if you take care of your nutrition, you can decrease their duration and frequency. Here are some foods that you should avoid if you have fever blisters.

Arginine foods

Arginine is an amino acid that is found in certain foods. This amino acid triggers fever blisters. So it would help if you avoided the diet rich in arginine. Foods rich in arginine include:
Flax seeds
Sesame seeds
Sunflower seeds
Whole grains

Acidic foods

Acidic foods also trigger cold sores. Eating foods rich in acid can cause fever blisters to crust. These foods include:
Fruit juice
Salty foods
Vinegar based foods
Acidic fruits like pineapple and grapefruit

Processed foods

Sugar-rich, processed foods can also cause fever blisters. Avoid these processed foods to reduce the onslaught of fever blisters:
High caloric snacks and a high calorie diet in general
Packaged snacks
Canned foods
Sausage rolls
Breakfast cereals
Frozen foods

Tips to avoid fever blisters

Eat foods rich in lysine

If you eat foods rich in lysine, it can help in the prevention of fever blisters. These foods include:

  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Pork

Lemon balm

Lemon balm is an effective way to treat cold sores. The oil present in lemon balm supports to fight against herpes simplex virus. Apply this balm three to four times a day on your lips to avoid fever blisters.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can also treat cold sores. It works against the HSV and prevents the re-occurrence of fever blisters. Apply Aloe Vera gel directly on a fever blister to diminish it.

Author bio

My name is Saad Shah, an avid food lover and food nutrition blogger. I'm a firm believer in the transforming powers of food. I run a nutrition blog on my website nutritionride to encourage conscious food choices, with knowledge of their nutritional value.

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