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See massive results in just one month! |
Take a few minutes every day to complete the 30 day fitness challenge - whether you currently exercise or not. This challenge will jump-start your fitness goals. It will ignite your metabolism. Your body will burn fat for energy. This challenge will tone and tighten every part of your physique. You will sleep better, have more energy, weigh less and feel good in a matter of days. Discover how well a few minutes a day totally transforms how your body works.
The 30 day fitness challenge
How much can you improve your fitness in 30 days? What kind of results can you expect in a month? I have designed this 30 day fitness challenge to set your metabolism on fire. In just 30 days you will burn fat, build muscle and spark the changes that are needed for better energy levels.Can I do the fitness challenge in addition to my current workout program?
Absolutely! If you are already exercising regularly, do this challenge as an addition to your current workout routine. It only takes a few minutes per day. This challenge will help you to blast past a plateau and set you back onto the path of getting actual results.How does the 30 day fitness challenge improve my body?
It is so easy to get stuck in a routine. Our bodies are very good at adapting to whatever we do. If you don't exercise, your body adapts by reducing its energy output and storing saved energy as fat. When you do the same exercises all the time, your body will adapt by reducing the amount of effort that it puts into each workout. This will help it to save on calories (which go straight to fat storage) and lessens the effort it has to put into changing itself.Physical transformation takes a lot of effort from your body's point of view. It will always try to do as little as possible so that it can save energy for an emergency. This 30 day challenge acts as that emergency. It will shock your body into burning fat and building muscle.
After the month is over, your body will have revamped its metabolism. This is great for adding a kick to your existing workouts. It is also great to get yourself moving in the right direction if you are new to exercise. Seeing big changes in a month will motivate you to do more and more every day.
What equipment do I need for the 30 day fitness challenge?
You don't need any equipment at all. This challenge is designed to be done wherever you are. You can do it at home, during your lunch break at work or at your friend's house while you are waiting for them to get ready. It also does not require much space. You don't need a special floor mat or any other kind of workout gear. This eliminates the excuse of not having time to go to the gym. You'll be done with your daily challenge in less time than it takes to get to the gym in the first place.![]() |
Complete your daily task for great results |
The 30 day fitness challenge
There is only one exercise that you need to do every day. Complete it and you're done for the day. Here's what you need to do:Day 1: 50 Squats
Do 50 squats. If you can't do them all at once, break them up throughout the day. Don't go to bed until you've done all 50 squats. Squats boost the hormones that tone muscle and burn fat. Do body-weight squats without any weights. This is what a good squat looks like:Day 2: Jumping jacks for 5 minutes
Do jumping jacks until you are out of breath. You can stop if you feel pain in your ankles, shoulders or knees. Set a timer to check how much time you've done. If you stop at 2 minutes, complete the other 3 minutes later on in the day. Jumping jacks ramp up your metabolism while toning up your whole body. Finish at a total of 5 minutes. This is what a jumping jack looks like:Day 3: 50 Push Ups
Do 50 push-ups. Break them up if you can't do them all at once. Push-ups burn calories, speed up metabolism, tone your upper body and increase physical endurance. This is the best way to do a push up:Day 4: Plank for 5 minutes
Planks are an isometric exercise that improves strength and stability. Just like with the jumping jacks, use a timer to count the time that you plank for. Do 5 minutes total for the day. If you can do this all in one go, well done! Most people will need to break it up into 2-4 separate exercises. You can spread it out throughout the day (leaving hours in between each time) or take a few minute breaks to rest until you're done. The choice is up to you. You will still reap the fitness benefits either way. If you can't decide which is best, I'd recommend doing the planks as close together as possible so that you can get it done and not have to worry about it later on. This is what a good plank should look like:Day 5: Rest day
Congratulations for coming this far! Be proud of yourself. Take a well-deserved rest day. Feel good about the progress that you are making.
Day 6: 50 Lunges
Do a lunge onto one leg. Then lunge using the other leg. This counts as one lunge. Perform as many of these as you can in one go. Do more after resting. Lunge (on both legs) 50 times in total before the end of the day. Lunges are great for total lower body strength and endurance. Similar to the squat, they kick your metabolism into high gear and stimulate the hormones that burn fat. This is what a lunge looks like:Day 7: Jumping jacks for 5 minutes
Do jumping jacks for 5 minutes total for the day, the same way that you did on day 2. Try to do the jumping jacks for as long as you can during each session. Your goal is to build up to the point where you can do all of the jumping jacks in one session. By the end of the 30 day fitness challenge, you should be able to complete all 5 minutes in one quick session.Day 8: 50 Push ups
Do the same as day 3, trying to do as many per session so that you eventually land up doing them all in one session. By day 30, you should be able to all your push-ups in two sessions or less.Day 9: 50 Crunches
Crunches are a favorite exercise for many people. Similar to the exercises above, do as many as you can in one session. Crunches work the muscles that are responsible for stabilizing your core. These muscles are what make up a visible 6 pack when your body fat is low enough. Do as many as you can in the following session until you have reached your goal of 50 crunches. This is how to do a crunch:Day 10: rest
You deserve another day of rest. Well done for making it this far along the fitness challenge!
Day 11: 50 Squats
Do squats in the same way as day 1, trying to do more per session.Day 12: 5 Minutes of jumping jacks
Day 13: 50 Push ups
Day 14: Planks for 5 minutes
Day 15: Rest
Day 16: 50 Lunges
Day 17: Jumping jacks for 5 minutes
Day 18: 50 Push ups
Day 19: 50 Crunches
Day 20: Rest
Day 21: 50 Squats
Day 22: Jumping jacks for 5 minutes
Day 23: 50 Push ups
Day 24: 5 Minutes of planks
Day 25: Rest
Day 26: 50 Lunges
Day 27: 5 Minutes of jumping jacks
Day 28: 50 Push ups
Day 29: 50 Crunches
Day 30: Rest
Congratulations for finishing the fitness challenge! I encourage you to take pictures of yourself before and after the challenge. Be sure to point people to our site if they ask how you look so much better so quickly (or keep it a secret - that's up to you).Here are a few commonly asked questions about the 30 day fitness challenge
Will this challenge make me lose muscle if I lift weights?
You put a lot of hard work into building muscle mass. The last thing you want to do is throw your body into a catabolic state, which is where the body breaks down muscle for energy. If your current program is so intense that you feel exhausted or fatigued for hours after your last training session, I'd recommend not doing this fitness challenge just yet. Give your body some time to catch up with what you are currently doing first.If you feel back to normal in an hour after training, your body will benefit from the metabolism-boosting effects of this training program. In fact, cardio can help you to build more muscle. A program like this fitness challenge might be exactly what you need to push your muscles into greater growth.
How does this challenge improve my metabolism?
Firstly, you need to understand what your metabolism is. Your metabolism refers to the rate at which your body turns nutrients (from food and fat stores) into energy. People with high metabolisms can eat more and still be skinny because their bodies turn all of those nutrients into energy.Those with slow metabolisms will struggle to lose weight - even when they restrict their caloric intake. This happens because their slow metabolisms don't turn a lot of the nutrients into energy. Nutrients are stored as fat instead of being used.
Compound exercises (like the squats, push-ups and lunges) burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. This shocks your body into burning more nutrients for fuel as it tries to adapt to the intense physical activity. The metabolism-boosting effects of these exercises last for days. If you do them often enough, they can permanently increase your metabolism.
Cardio-vascular exercises like jumping jacks require a lot of calories as well because they force the entire body to move. Core-focused exercises like the planks and crunches improve the muscles around your waistline. These muscles are needed to do exercises like the squats and lunges. You will notice that you tense your core when doings the squats, lunges and push-ups. All of these exercises need a strong core to be done properly.
Why are the exercise numbers and times so high from day 1?
In this challenge, you start off with a high level of intensity right off the bat so that it can shock your body into transformation. The greater the shock, the more your body is forced into changing itself. Our bodies are wired to conserve as much energy as possible. It will only lose those extra calories if it feels like it really needs to do so.Why don't the exercises increase in number or time in this challenge?
The numbers stay the same for two reasons. Firstly, the high numbers serve as a good shock to your metabolism right off the bat. The rest of the program facilitates your body's adaption to this shock. If you keep raising the intensity higher than what your body can handle, it may be more than what your body can bare. This could cause muscle to break down. We want the muscles to tone and strengthen while fat breaks down. If you challenge your body too much, it can hold onto fat mass instead of building muscle.Secondly, the growth in the program does not lie in the total amount of exercises that you do. Instead, it lies in how much of the exercises you can do in one go. The first time you do 50 squats, it might take you 5 different sessions to finish them. By the end of the program, it should only take you one or two sessions to complete them. This method of training forces your metabolism to increase and forces the muscles to get stronger without pushing them too far.
What else can I do to increase the effectiveness of the 30 day fitness challenge?
Drink at least 2 liters of water every day
This will help your body to flush out any toxins that could be holding it back.Get enough good quality sleep
This program shocks your body into metabolic change. These changes happen on a metabolic, hormonal and muscular level. Most of these changes will occur during sleep. Sleep is where your body physically responds to the stimulus of the day.Eat a varied diet that is rich in nutrients
Your body will require lots of good nutrients to make these changes. Eat a varied diet so that you get a variety of micro nutrients like vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants. Opt for wholesome food instead of processed foods. Avoid sugar as much as you can, since sugar tends to slow your metabolism down. This will make it harder for your body to adapt to these changes.What kind of results can I expect after doing the 30 day fitness challenge?
Increased energy
You should notice a large increase in your energy levels at around the second week mark. This is a good sign that your metabolism is burning more calories for energy naturally.Fat loss
The exercises on their own will burn calories, which are taken from fat storage. As your metabolism increases, more fat will be burned throughout the day - even when you are not exercising.Better body tone
Fat loss and stronger muscles will lead to a more toned looking body. Say goodbye to flabby arms and jiggly legs.Better strength and endurance
As your body gets stronger, you will notice that everyday tasks are a lot easier to do. You will be able to sit at your desk for longer periods before getting back or neck pain. Things that you carry will feel lighter. You will also notice that you can do things for longer before getting tired. This includes mentally-taxing tasks like focusing at work or listening to a long speech.Improved sleep
Your body will want more sleep so that it can adapt to these changes. That is why exercise improves sleep quality. Improved energy levels are closely associated with improved sleeping patterns. In fact, I used exercise to improve my own sleeping patterns.Better mood
Mood, mental health and physical energy levels are very closely interlinked. When your body feels good, your brain feels good. Exercise releases endorphins. When you exercise regularly, the constant release of endorphins will improve your overall mood throughout the rest of the day. Fresh forms of exercise, and exercises with a higher intensity, stimulate the release of more endorphins than the same kind of exercise that you have been doing for too long. Lower exercise intensities also lead to a smaller release of endorphins.More motivation to exercise
When you start to notice the benefits mentioned above, you will be more motivated to exercise. You will want to look after your health more and more because of how good it makes you feel. We only start getting passionate about exercise when we start seeing results. Results make us want more and more of the exercises that we do. This 30-day challenge could be exactly what you need to jump-start your journey to better health.Read about all of the benefits of exercise in general.
I highly recommend that you take before and after pictures of yourself before starting this challenge. Take measurements of your waist, upper arms and legs. Weigh yourself before and after the challenge. These things will help you to quantify how much the program has benefited you. When you are surprised at how well this program has worked, you will be motivated to exercise in more creative ways so that you keep these kinds of benefits coming.
Bookmark this page so that you can refer to any of the information here as you go along. It is also a good idea to bookmark this page so that you can download the printable challenge chart whenever you need it. You can do this challenge every 6 months, in addition to your regular workout routine, to shock your body back into producing good results. If you don't have an existing exercise program, you can continue with this challenge on a monthly basis. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me in the comments below. Stay Strong!
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