Thursday, January 16, 2020

What makes a healthy person?

Woman leaping into the air on a beach
What makes a healthy person?

What makes a healthy person?

In medical terms, a healthy person is free from disease and shows good markers of health which include normal blood pressure, a healthy heart, stable blood sugar and no nutrient deficiencies. You become a healthy person by eating a healthy diet, staying active, getting good sleep and leading a fulfilled life.

How do you become a healthy person?

You can become a healthy person by following these 7 healthy habits:

1. Eat the right foods every day

Some foods are nutritious. They give your body the nutrients that it needs to stay healthy. Other foods are unhealthy because they load your body with toxins that damage your health. 

Avoid processed foods and artificial sweeteners because they cause disease. Processed foods contain preservatives, artificial colors and artificial flavors, too much sugar and sodium. They can cause diseases like obesity, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases.

Balance out your proteins, carbohydrates and fats so that your body gets all of the nutrients that it needs. You need protein to rebuild body tissues and carbohydrates to give you energy. Good fats are good for your heart and your hormones. Plants are excellent sources of antioxidants that prevent cell toxicity.

Choose natural food over processed food
Natural food is good for you.

2. Stay physically active

Exercise and physical activities keep you healthy in over 100 ways. Doing little to no physical activity is very unhealthy. A lack of physical activity will diminish your energy levels, decrease blood flow and oxygen availability, aggravate depression and mood swings, increase the risk of weight gain and obesity, and predispose you to almost every disease imaginable.

30 minutes of exercise for 6 days a week is all that you need. Combine strength training with endurance training to get the best results for your health.

Endurance training strengthens your heart, lungs and circulatory system. Strength training strengthens your muscles, bones, tendons, joints, nerves and connective tissue. Both of them have positive effects on your hormones, sleep and overall mood.

Here is a fitness program that you can do at home (no equipment needed). It will dramatically increase your fitness levels and improve your health in all the ways discussed above - in 30 days.

This is a list of dangers associated with a lack of exercise.
A lack of exercise is bad for you.

3. Keep yourself hydrated

One of the first things that you should do to lose fat and get healthy is drink more water every day. It is the second most important thing in my simple method to lose weight without buying anything.

Toxins build up in our bodies from the unhealthy food that we eat, the things that we drink and even the air that we breathe. Metabolic processes in the body also create by-products that need to be eliminated. For example, exercise leads to the creation of lactic acid that is excreted through the urine.

Your body needs water to eliminate all of these toxins. It may do so through urination, sweating, passing a bowel movement or by exhalation. All of these processes require water. Dehydration can cause constipation and we lose water every time that we exhale.

Every cell in the body requires water to survive. Mild dehydration can hamper concentration and lead to unhealthy cravings for stimulants while extreme dehydration can kill the healthy cells in our bodies.

Healthy people drink enough water, but also understand that you shouldn't drink too much water either.

Some beverages like sodas will dehydrate you even more.

Water is essential for health and weight loss.
Your body needs water to be healthy.

4. Look after your gut

You can tell the difference between a healthy person and an unhealthy person by looking at their gut bacteria. We all have a unique composition of different gut bacteria strains in our gut. Our gut bacteria composition is as unique to each individual as a fingerprint.

Everything that you do impacts your gut bacteria. One of the best ways to become healthy is to correct your gut microbial makeup.

There are good gut bacteria that very important to our health. They help us to break down foods that we can't digest like fiber and milk. These bacteria produce more of the happiness hormone serotonin than the brain does. Good gut bacteria also strengthen our immune systems (more than half of your immune system is in your gut) and keep disease-spreading bacteria at bay.

Bad gut bacteria cause diseases and increase the weight that we gain from eating food. It is one of the reasons why some people gain weight more quickly than others. They increase insulin resistance (which leads to diabetes) and destroy our healthy cells. Bad bacteria, when out of balance, will kill off good gut bacteria.

How to improve your good gut bacteria:

  1. Eat less processed foods with preservatives that kill good bacteria.
  2. Exercise to increase your fitness level. This will improve the amounts of fatty acids that good gut bacteria feed on.
  3. Eat raw fruit and vegetables because this is the main food source of most good bacteria.
  4. Drink enough water so that the good bacteria can stay hydrated in your gut.
  5. Eat probiotic foods like yogurt, kefir and pickles to introduce new kinds of good gut bacteria into your system.
  6. Limit sugar consumption. Bad gut bacteria thrive on sugar.
  7. Look after your mental health. Stress kills good bacteria. 
The importance of gut bacteria for mental health
Gut bacteria support mental health.

5. Get enough good sleep

Sleep is extremely important to stay healthy. Lack of good sleep has been linked to diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, excessive food cravings, obesity and depression.

Getting too much sleep can be just as detrimental to your health.

Your body needs sleep to recover from the day. It uses this time to repair damaged tissues, restore energy levels and balance out your hormones.

Your brain needs sleep just as much as your body does. It uses sleep to re-calibrate itself and consolidate the things that you go through on a daily basis. Dreams, for example, help your brain to deal with the range of emotions that you felt throughout the day.

Here are the best ways to get better sleep every night.

The role of dreams for mental health
Your brain needs dreams to re-calibrate.

6. Look after your mental health

A big part of becoming healthy is taking care of your mental health (which also known as emotional health).

Mental health relates to how good or bad you feel from an emotional or psychological standpoint. It also relates to how well you deal with social situations at work, with friends and with family. Everybody needs to look after their mental health - right from childhood into elderly life.

If you feel like you have some issues in this area, the first thing you should do is talk to a professional. The second thing, after that, is to share your issues with someone that you can trust.

Human beings are social creatures. We were meant to share our trials and triumphs with others. Feelings of isolation or loneliness can turn in depression and other things that are not mentally healthy.

How to improve mental health

  1. Learn to enjoy your daily routine. Feel positive about your work and your daily lifestyle.
  2. Build a strong social circle with good friends and family.
  3. Do things that stimulate your mind - like reading or learning something new.
  4. Find a purpose for living, find a cause to fight for and find a way to benefit your community.
  5. Make time to do hobbies or activities that you enjoy every day. This could include painting, reading, writing a blog or gardening.
Mental health support quote.
Fun boosts mental health.

7. Maintain a good standard of hygiene

Harmful germs and bacteria are all around us. They are in the environment that we live, work and sleep in. They are also on our skin.

The skin is your largest defense against the germs that cause sickness. Other areas of defense include your mouth, throat, lungs, nose, eyes, ears, nails and hairs follicles. You need to keep these areas clean by bathing regularly.

Regular bathing helps to reduce the amount of bad bacteria, fungi, yeasts and viruses that come into physical contact with us.

It is also important to make sure that your food (and where you store you food) is sanitary.

Keep your house free from harmful germs by keeping it clean. You can also improve the hygiene of your work environment by wearing appropriate clothing, wiping surfaces regularly and keeping things tidy.

Good hygiene habits are imperative for maintaining a healthy state of being.

Good hygiene habits are the single most important aspects of preventing sickness and disease.
Hygiene prevents sicknesses from spreading.
If you follow these simple and effective steps, you can become a healthy person. There are numerous benefits of being healthy.

Benefits of being healthy

  1. You will get sick less often
  2. Increased natural energy
  3. Better appearance
  4. Enhanced mood and happiness
  5. You will live longer
  6. Better productivity at work and at home
  7. Less health complications as you age

Try to make a small effort to get better at each of these steps every day and you will feel like a brand new, healthier person in no time. Stay Strong!

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