Monday, February 8, 2021

3 Benefits of walking on the grass

Walking barefoot on the grass

Did you know that the average person walks 3,000 to 4,000 steps every day?

Walking is very good for your body and your health.

But do you know that walking barefoot on the grass can be even more beneficial for you? 

Walking on the grass is very good for your health - especially if you do this in the early morning.

When you walk barefoot on grass the process is called earthing or grounding which is crucial for healing.

Both of the above links show reputable evidence that walking barefoot on the grass actually improves your health in a variety of ways. The first link is from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (part of the United States National Library of Medicine).

I’m going to share three benefits of walking barefoot on the grass with you. You can check the two links above if you need scientific evidence or studies that prove the claims that I am about to make.

Benefits of walking barefoot on the grass

1. Improves eye health
2. Promotes overall health
3. Puts your body into a state of relaxation and healing

Health benefits of walking on the grass (backed by science)

Walking barefoot on the grass is good for your eyes

The foot is connected to the entire body. The first, second and third toes are pressed when you walk barefoot. This is the reflexology point for the eyes.

These points are gently stimulated when you walk. This helps to improve your eyesight.

Walking barefoot connects your central nervous system to Earth

When you walk barefoot on grass, you connect with Earth's natural energy.

There is an exchange of energies between your body and the Earth when you walk barefoot. This has a cleansing or balancing effect on your body.

This might sound abstract and airy-fairy until we remember that our central nervous system is an electrical system.

Our brains, hearts, muscles and blood circulation systems depend on electrical currents to pass messages around the body. This is one of the reasons why electrolytes are so important for our health.

The body uses an electrical system to share important messages. This is your central nervous system.

Walking barefoot improves your overall health

Science has proved that walking on earth can heal pain and cure many illnesses.

Negative ions present in the earth can help balance the positive ions in our body. This creates a balance that improves our health in more ways than one.

Walking barefoot relaxes the mind, body and soul 

Walking on the green grass helps to relieve your mind, body and soul of stress.

The simple sight of greenery helps to reduce stress.

Sunlight, fresh air, open spaces, natural scenery and the outdoor atmosphere adds a sense of calmness and relaxation to your body.

This produces calming hormones, and relaxation is very important for your health.

Go out into nature and start walking barefoot on grass whenever you can.

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