Monday, February 1, 2021

4 Exercises to strengthen your eyes

Glasses on a wood table with a laptop and a mouse
Improve your vision right now.

Do you know 4.2 billion people have impaired vision? That's two-thirds of the 7.9 billion people alive today!

I'm going to share five simple eye-care tips with you. These tips will help to improve your eyesight.

If your eyes are still 6/6, it is good to do these exercises so that you keep your eyes as healthy as possible. It may even help to prevent the need for glasses in the future!

This includes exercises and practices that strengthen your eyes.

If you have weak eyes, you will notice a big difference within a few months. Unfortunately, you can't build up good vision in 24 hours. It works just like muscles that you train at the gym.

Train your eyes in the same way that you train your muscles. You can make them strong again.

Why do our eyes get weaker?

Let's jump straight into it. The first step is to understand why your eyes get weaker in the first place.

There is a reason why so many people need glasses.

The need for glasses is increasing rapidly these days. Why is this happening? It's not natural (the same way that muscle loss isn't natural - we just don't exercise as much as we should).

The main reason behind weakening eyesight is actually our phone!

We now spend more time glued to our cellphones than we ever have. We check social media. We entertain ourselves and interact with the whole world through this small screen.

This makes your eyes focus at a distance very close to you for extended periods of time.

Your eyes contract when they focus on a close distance. They expand when they focus on a far distance.

Try this exercise right now:

Focus on your phone in the same proximity that you usually keep it. Notice how your eyes contract to focus on the screen.

Now focus on a spot on the roof as far away from you as you can. Notice how your eyes expand to focus at that distance.

Your eyes contract when they focus nearby. They expand when they focus further. Keep the balance to preserve them.
Keep the balance.

These days we focus too much on closer distances. This is done either on the phone when we aren't working, on the computer at work and even on screens when we relax at home.

The eye muscles are forced to contract for extended periods of time. This causes muscular imbalances that need to be corrected.

Children spend less time playing outside or with friends on a physical level. They aren't as exposed to natural elements as they should be. This increases the future need for spectacles later on in their life.

What can we do about it? Quite a bit actually!

Improve eyesight naturally

1. Look at distant objects regularly

2. Wash your eyes by washing your mouth

3. Focus on your finger at different distances

4. Blink rapidly

Improve your eyes naturally for free
Invest in your eye health.

1. Look at distant objects to improve your eyesight

The first exercise that you should do is to look far at a big, distant object.

For example when you walk you should have a look into the sky. You will feel that your eyes are much relaxed.

If you don't walk or place yourself in environments where you are exposed to beautiful scenery at longer distances, you need to start. Your eyesight (and mental well-being) depends on your ability to get away from screens for long periods of time.

This exercise is simple stuff, but it's very effective.

Look into the distance for as long as possible. That's the only thing what you have to do. Do it every single day.

I recommend that you spare as much time as you can to do this. An hour a day is good. Take time during this session to focus on distance imagery for a few second intervals. Build up to 30 second intervals. Remember to blink while doing this!

While it is important to make time to focus on distant scenery, you can do this in your office or in your room as well.

Look the objects that are furthest away from you in your office. Do this regularly to give your eyes a break from contracting so much.

It will be a nice gap for your eyes to relax.

Give your eyes a break by spending time outdoors regularly and focusing at longer distances.
Get away from screens occasionally.

2. Wash your eyes regularly

Washing your eyes regularly is very important for their health.

How do you wash your eyes?

You do this with cold water. Get into the habit of doing it every day in the morning.

It's more effective if you the hold water in your mouth instead of putting it directly on your eyes.

How does this work? Why should you hold water in your mouth to wash your eyes?

Holding water in your mouth stretches the vessels of the eyes. This will help you to wash your eyes better than before.

Let's test it out right now.

Blow air into your mouth. Narrow your lips like you want to blow out the candles of a birthday cake. Fill your mouth with air and continue blowing as some air leaks out.

Feel how your eyes feel when you do this. They are more open. If you exhale the air and empty the air out of your mouth, you will feel like your eyes are relaxed.

If you hold water in your mouth, it will help to expand your eyes vessels and hydrate them. This is how you clean your eyes.

It is best to do this four to five times a day or at a gap of every 2 to 3 hours. 

Do it every morning and try to do from time to time throughout your day.

Hydrate and wash your eyes by swishing water in your mouth regularly.

3. Focus on your finder at different distances

The third exercise is very easy but extremely effective. It is just as important as the others.

We tend to focus on the same distance for prolonged periods of time. This isn't natural. The muscles in our eyes can lock into the same position because we focus on one length for too long.

This creates muscular imbalances within the eye. It limits our ability to switch focus from one length of focus to another easily.

Do this exercise regularly to help you switch from one type of focus to another and prevent muscle locks within the eye.

Extend your finger far away from you. Focus on it for a few seconds. Switch your focus onto something closer to you. You can focus on your shoulder, your elbow or your upper arm. Switch focus to a further distance like a wall or distant item.

Now focus on your finger while extending it further away and bringing it closer to you repeatedly. Do this for a few times and then focus on something else before returning to your finger again.

Repeat the process for a few minutes. Do this at least twice a day.

This will help you to strengthen your eyes and prevent them from favoring one length over another.

We tend to focus on one distance for prolonged periods of time. Practice focusing on different lengths to prevent your eyes from locking into a certain length of focus.
Change focus.

4. Blink rapidly

The last exercise that I would like you to do to get good eyesight is just as easy as the others.

All you have to do is close your eyes tightly for 15 seconds and then open them again slowly.

After opening, blink your eyes for 1 minute.

This exercise has two main important functions.

Firstly, it helps to lubricate the eyes so that your eyes don't get too dry. We tend to forget to blink when we stare at screens. This leads to dry, irritated, weak and itchy eyes.

Secondly, this exercise helps blood with vitamins, minerals and oxygen to reach your eyes. Our eyes should be more like a river - not a desert.

This is like food for your eyes.

Lack of blinking puts strain on the eyes because of a lack of movement, hydration and important nutrients.

This exercise will improve blood circulation to the eyes and give them everything that they need.

Close your eyes tightly for 15 seconds. Open them slowly. Blink rapidly for 60 seconds. Repeat. This increases blood circulation, hydration and movement.
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